The Best 10 The Stranger Quotes

The Best 10 The Stranger Quotes by Albert Camus


“I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn’t.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

“I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

“Since we’re all going to die, it’s obvious that when and how don’t matter.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

“And the more I thought about it, the more I dug out my memory things I had overlooked or forgotten. I realized then that a man who had lived only one day could easily live for a hundred years in prison. He would have enough memories to keep him from being bored. In a way, it was an advantage.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

“Still, to my mind he overdid it, and I’d have liked to have a chance of explaining to him, in a quite friendly, almost affectionate way, that I have never been able really to regret anything in all my life. I’ve always been far too much absorbed in the present moment, or the immediate future, to think back.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

This is a picture of a deserted place that highlights the theme of death in The Stranger Quotes.

“If something is going to happen to me, I want to be there.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

“In a way, they seemed to be arguing the case as if it had nothing to do with me. Everything was happening without my participation. My fate was being decided without anyone so much as asking my opinion.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday; I can’t be sure.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

“I had been right, I was still right, I was always right. I had lived my life one way and I could just as well have lived it another. I had done this and I hadn’t done that. I hadn’t done this thing but I had done another. And so?”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus

“For the first time in a long time I thought about Maman. I felt as if I understood why at the end of her life she had taken a ‘fiancé,’ why she had played at beginning again. Even there, in that home where lives were fading out, evening was a kind of wistful respite. So close to death, Maman must have felt free then and ready to live it all again. Nobody, nobody had the right to cry over her. And I felt ready to live it all again too.”
-The Stranger, Albert Camus


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